Friday, August 5, 2011

FDR and Barack Hussein Obama,,,COMPARED

Bipartisan Backing for the President or Fear and Loathing of Retribution from President Stick-It-To-'Em
By John Batchelor on January 31, 2009

FDR Cut the Pay of Veterans and the Federal Government in One Day.
It was Friday March 10, 1933, the end of FDR's first week in office, and not only had he ordered a national bank holiday (so customers cannot "cash out" to their own benefit, customers STIFFED ), rewritten the banking law in one day (which is stealing power from Congress), and issued new Federal

Barack Hussein Obama cut Social Security VIA NO RAISES,

Reserve notes (to wreck value of dollar, no more cashing them for silver), but also he took on the rambunctious (STIFFED HIS OPPOSITION, the military. setting a precident for STIFFING the military that continues thru 2011)veteran's army that had challenged and humiliated Herbert Hoover as well as cutting the pay of all federal employees by 15%. And on the seventh day he didn't rest. Congress was amazed and stumped. How to get in the way of this (Stalinistic)character from New York? This is Frank Roosevelt, Uncle Ted's nephew? The banks were ordered to reopen on Monday morning the 13th to exchange everyone's paper money and to accept more of the gold certificates and bullion that people had pulled out the previous months. The veterans were quiet though not happy. And the Congress was polite in the face of FDR's message: "The nation is deeply gratified by the immediate response given yesterday (March 9) by the Congress to restore and improve our banking system..." Democrat Senator Joseph Robinson of Arkansas, the Majority Leader, remarked, "It was a strong, impressive and convincing statement..." Senator Charles McNary of Oregon, Minority Leader, conceded, "The President's proposal for economy is the most drastic ever sent to Congress. The claim for additional power has received a ready response from the Democratic members of Congress and probably will not be opposed by the (RINO scared, gutless, spineless)Republicans...." In fact the only two to be found in opposition to FDR with any weight were (self-serving)Huey Long of Louisiana, who was aiming to run against FDR on a third party ticket, and (self-serving) Bill Borah of Idaho, who aimed to run against FDR on the Republican ticket.

Compare the 112th Congress of Today.
Nancy Pelosi was not eliminated in 2010 elections but LOST HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. NOT REALLY problematic as COUNTRY CLUB BIG GOV'T BIG SPENDING RINO Boehner GAVE Obama a BIRTHDAY PRESENT OF A DEBT CEILING RAISE OF 2.3 TRILLION allegedly because "shutting down government would make GOP LOSE.

OBAMA WAS ON THE ROPES. Boehner COULD get wishy-washy to even lie about $ TRILLION in Cuts instead of ONE PLUS...

WITH economy RUINED and HIGH unemployment...GOP can BEAT Obama in 2012 but WILL NOMINATE NO-GOOD RINO AGAIN such as Recycled Romney; A DEmocrat facing own-party opposition like Obama has NEVER WON a second TERM...GOP will HAVE TO HELP A LOT with a CRAPPY McCain foot-shooter type...

David Obey sent the Republican minority a (self-serving, greedy, payback) pork farm of a stimulus package that was almost too easy for the GOP to reject with 0 votes. And the Senate version written by the
Democratic majority (rubbing poop in helpless, Republican faces) is even more expensive and more pork-filled and has even RINO John McCain shaking his head "No," and Ben Nelson cogitating with a gang of rebels, some of whom are Democrats. The only similarity to be found between FDR's first week in office and Mr. Obama's first week in office is that the Democrats have an overwhelming majority in both the House and the Senate and enjoy flattering media coverage -- and that the US economy is in a rapid state of decline, joined by the collapse of global trade, confidence and comity. FDR overwhelmed the GOP with action, talk, horse-trading, common sense and a pell mell confidence that he could manage the press and Al Smith at the same time. In comparison, President Obama is still enjoying the praise of the election and does not yet look to have engaged his own majority less the Republican opposition. Meeting with Congress, or stepping nimbly over a planter at the White House, is the not a substitute for either convincing or intimidating Congress. The Hill was fearful of FDR right away (see McNary, Borah and Long). Is the Hill afraid of President Obama? Love and fear. Machiavelli chose. FDR chose.

Class Warfare Works
By John Batchelor on January 30, 2009 11:37 PM | 6 Comments
Al Smith Attacked FDR in 1936.
"The New Deal is socialism in poor disguise," said the envious, contentious Al Smith. "I won't stand for them to want to march under the banner of (Andrew) Jackson or (Grover) Cleveland." This was
the counterattack that FDR risked when he used Harold Ickes and others to attack the rich, elite men whom he dubbed "economic royalists" (right) as he prepared to fight class warfare in the election in 1936. FDR knew what he was doing, borrowing from the class baiting remarks of the charming, strange demagogue Huey Long (who remained a threat until his assassination in Baton Rouge). The frail Republicans pushed back with energetic men such as the wildcatter Alf Landon of Kansas, who sounded like FDR in his state inaugural speech: "I think... government power must increase." Landon overtook Herbert Hoover and Bill Borah at Cleveland to become the GOP nominee. FDR used the economic royalist attack at the 1936 Philadelphia convention: "These privileged princes have created a new despotism and fastened it on the American people...the New Deal is the analogue to the Declaration of Independence... better the occasional faults that lives in the spirit of charity...this generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny..." FDR won a landslide built upon cunning, passionate, articulate class warfare rhetoric: "Nine crazy years at the ticker, and three long years at the bread lines..." "They (the economic royalists) are unanimous in their hatred of me, and I welcome their hatred..."

Joe Biden and Barack Obama Begin the Drumbeat.
The president's remarks against the $18 billion of bonuses paid to the Wall Street bankers in 2008 are smart, accurate politics. Joe Biden recognizes the genius and joins in. So does Andrew Cuomo, the attorney general in New York, who will seek to get back the $4 billion
that the suddenly suspect and surrounded John Thain paid his Merrill Lynch employees in reward for losing $27 billion year long. And now Rudy Giuliani recognizes the potency and makes a contrarian argument that if the bonuses are banned it will hurt New York's economy. Rudy is running for New York governor, against the troubled tenure of David Paterson; so perhaps his pro bonus argument can prosper at the GOP convention. Elsewhere, the president and vice-president have it right. Class warfare works, and works doubly and triply well during a financial crisis. It is the spirit of Huey Long, the ghost of FDR, the long lost legacy of frontier heroes like Daniel Boone and Andrew Jackson and Davy Crockett. Plutocracy always loses at the polls. And Mike Bloomberg is running for re-election, so he best get right his remarks about "economic royalists." This may be difficult, because he is a plutocrat and because he is now entertaining the idea of raise sales taxes.

Bloomberg proposed several measures, including an increase in the sales tax from 8.375 percent to 8.75 percent, in an effort to balance the budget. Bloomberg has already slashed $3.7 billion in spending since last year, an administration official said.

Left out...Why I Voted Democrat!

I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I’ve decided to marry my horse.

I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t.

I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

I voted Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

I voted Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what they’re doing because they now think we’re good people.

I voted Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start driving a Prius.

I voted Democrat because I’m not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as THEY see fit.

I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite The Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my ass that it is unlikely that I’ll ever have another point of view.

I voted Democrat as they have been wrong about everything for the past 60 years and I like to watch a perfect record unfold.

Iam not Mariah Carey, Mirah Cary
I am not Ami Winehouse, Amy Winehouse,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who did it? Etc The MESS the US Is In

If you do not know who did it...Rip Van Winkle ...the GOV"T DID all of us actually!

Washington DC's reckless, feckless spending spree of the past several years and unwillingness to confront the mountains of debt coming soon from unreformed federal entitlement programs threaten the economic and social future of the generation currently between the ages of 5 and 30. Tea Party people are right. Older people will die off, esp when Death Panels kick in, leaving "Youth" holding the debt bag.

The 115 million Americans in this Debt-Paying Generation will experience enormous adverse effects from having to pay down the greatest debt in world history. Indeed, those of you in the Debt-Paying Generation could end your working lives as the least improved generation (in U.S. history) relative to the one that preceded you. You will marry later, have fewer children, poorer health, and lower incomes because you must pay the trillions in debt from excessive spending today and from the tsunami of debt coming from unfunded liabilities in Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid. (1)

What are some milestones or millstones about our collective necks?
A) Huge spending increases between 2004 and 2008, ballooning over the last six months of George W. Bush’s administration when Congress bailed out Wall Street AIG, Goldman Sachs, GE, and others at a cost of $896 billion.
B) President Barack Obama and the Democratic majority in Congress hosed and micturated away many more billions, first by taking over the auto industries, authorizing $100 billion for bailing out GM and Chrysler.
C) Followup included two economic stimulus programs amounting to $1.1 trillion.
D) To chagrin of and against the general public, Obamacare with a 10-year cost of $987 billion of amounting to a takeover of 1/6th of US economy was passed...still unrepealed as of Feb 2011.

This imprudent spending is creating debt like never before seen in U.S. history. As a U.S. citizen, if you expect to live and work in this country, this is your problem debt to be repaid, and you will have to pay higher taxes for this problem. If you are in the Debt-Paying Generation being aged 5 to 30, you will confront that as changes in your life and income.
Thus, President Obama has piled up a lot of debt and the Democrat-controlled Congress approved it all, producing this crisis and anyone under 30 will be the “Debt-Paying Generation” whether they are aware or not.

In January of 2009, the total debt was $7.5 trillion debt owed by Americans and people around the world in U.S. Treasury notes, not owed by one agency of government to another agency of government, but what Americans owe ourselves, and the Chinese who bought these IOUs and thus owed has to be repaid.

With increases in interest and NOTHING paid on the principal, this debt is due to double in just the next 10 years rising from $7.5 trillion to $15 trillion. Compared to the size of the U.S. economy, sovereign debt will rise upward from about 53 percent of the size of gross domestic product (GDP) to a whopping 90 percent of GDP.

Predicted is a major crisis from Baby Boomers retiring as only about 35 percent of the Baby Boomers are fully prepared for retirement due to stocks and other investments souring. This is part and parcel of the moral consequences of the debt. Unfunded balooning liabilities for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will require the U.S. government to borrow trillions and trillions more.
Looking at $7.5 trillion in public debt going to $15 trillion and an economy that is roughly $15 trillion would provide the socialist enough debt to overwhelm the economy to destroy the US as we know it....their dream fulfilled after decades of scheming.
So how does the national debt compare to those "FIX" attempts of FDR during the Great Depression?
The debt incurred during that Great Depression of the 1930s was rapid but temporary. We were able to pay that down.
During World War II the US reached the highest debt percentage when fighting Tojo, Hitler, and Mussolini which came to 109 percent of GDP. That was the most debt the US had ever piled up. Nowadays we’re projected as reaching 180.6 percent in 2035 with ALL of the taxes raised being applied to the interest and NOTHING applied to reducing the debt which will grow from ballooning mandatory benefits like Obamacare, Medicare, and other entitlements.

OK. So what, pray tell, can we look for as solutions?
Ohio has sued Fitch, Standard & Poor’s, and Moody’s Investor Services over pension fund and other losses. This may provide Ohio with some much needed funding. Other states MAY pile on. Why sue Fitch, Standard & Poor’s, and Moody’s Investor Services? As the three major debt-rating agencies in the entire world, they are being blamed for judgements made on their authority.(2)
The US keeps wasting money on International Monetary Fund while Ukraine messes up its economic reforms, the IMF stops lending money, Ukraine repents, the IMF relents. On July 3, 2009 the agreed to a $2.2 billion, three-year loan which prevented a default on Ukraine's $10 billion foreign debt. (3)
Later on October 1,2009, a shoe thrower took aim at IMF Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn at Bilgi University, in Istanbul, Turkey. (4)

There are at least four solutions which may all or in combination reduce the debt.
Liberals advocate that weraise taxes to pay the debt, namely increasing taxes on the rich. Calling this spade,"fairness", President Obama has called for increasing taxes on individuals making more than $200,000 by allowing the tax rate on each additional dollar of earnings to rise from the 35 percent to 39.5 since these are “rich” workers. Not only that but "the rich" will pay higher taxes on dividends and capital gains advance when these float up to pre-2003 levels. In states like Oregon, due to existing conditions, business owners will pay about half of every $1000in federal taxes. (5) Studies in 2007 reveal that the upper 50% of wage earners paid some 97% of the taxes while the lower half paid about 2.7% which floated up to 2.89% for 2008. The chart says gradual increases since 1999 up from 96%! (6) This is neither fair nor prudent as it only makes "the rich" take evasive action by getting paid otherwise, causing LOSS of taxes. For instance, yacht taxes were dodged by Senator John F*ing Kerry on his 76-foot yacht by his tying up in Rhode Island instead of Massachusettes, while Congressman Russ Carnahan dodged taxes by leaving his 42-footer unregestered for years! (7) Besides making money on global warming fraud, Al Gore and his buddies at General Electric are getting rich from the congressionally mandated demand for their new "curly fry" mercury-filled Chinese-made light bulbs. Gore has a 100-foot houseboat that docks at the Hurricane Marina in Smithville, Tennessee which does not sell the bio-diesel fuel that the builder Austin of Sparta, Tennessee says the craft runs on.(8)




Monday, February 7, 2011


Senator Olympia J. Snowe of Maine
Senator Susan Collins of Maine
Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina
Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts
Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
Former Senator Lisa (EEK, I'm Flushed) Murkowski of Alaska
Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois
Former Senator George Voinovich of Ohio
Former Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon
Congressman Fred Upton of Michigan
Former Congressman Christopher Shays of Connecticut
Former Congressman Joe Scarborough of Florida
Former Congressman Tom Campbell of California
Former Congressman Michael Castle of Delaware
Former Congressman Joseph Cao of Louisiana
Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California
Former Governor Linda Lingle of Hawaii
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell
Former Governor George Pataki of New York
Former Governor and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christine Todd Whitman of New Jersey
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge
Former Senator Charles Mathias of Maryland
Former New York Congressional Candidate Dede (EEK, I'm Flushed) Scozzafava
Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood
Lawyer Ted Olson of California
Former RINOs
Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania who became a Democrat in 2009.
Former Senator Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island who became an Independent in 2007.
Former Senator Lowell Weicker of Connecticut who became an Independent.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloom(ing Muslim) berg who became an Independent.
Former Senator Jim (Jumping Bribed) Jeffords of Vermont who left the GOP in 2001, giving control of the Senate to the Democrats
Former Governor Charlie Crist of Florida who became an independent after it was clear he would lose his Senate bid.
When the Name is a LIE...Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was voted REPEAL by a vote of 245-189, only three Democrats had the decency to vote sanely with the citizens. Fully 188 unlearned Democrats and a dispicable RINO "RepubliCRAT" voted to save the travesty.
The U.S. House approved the repeal bill on a 236-to-181 vote with four bright Democrats namely Reps. Dan Boren (Okla.), Larry Kissell (N.C.), Mike McIntyre (N.C.) and Mike Ross (Ark.) These fellows joined Republicans to vote in favor of repeal of the ill-fated debt-exploding measure. All four were sane, sober and sensible enough ro vote against the health-care overhaul last year. Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) charged that Republicans had thrown "fiscal responsibility out the window." (1) He allegedly was sane, sober and sensible at the time but may have been dropped on his head as a baby and has never denied that.
Rep. Keith Ellison voted against its repeal and lied about 32 million people not being covered by a health care, pocket-picking unconstitutional travesty-backing LOWLIFE!
Nancy Pelosi lied about 130 million losing out on coverage THROUGH HER TEETH on nationwide television! Recall she was also delutionally a LIAR about 500 million out of 350 million being unemployed MONTHLY.
GOP chair Tony Sutton leveled charges in a statement, "While Peterson pretends to be a centrist, he continues to oppose repealing this dreadful bill which raises taxes on small businesses, cuts Medicare for seniors and contains an unconstitutional mandate requiring Americans to buy private insurance."
Rep. Tim Walz voted against its repeal and gave a LONG sob story about a guy who will be doomed to part-time work FOREVER like Hawaiians who have their awful Hawaii state version if Obamacare is not repealed. This Walz is a disgrace to the Constitution he swore to uphold. And as a Hawaiian, Obama KNEW first hand how pathetically BAD government-run health care can be. Thousands of Hawaiians long to work 40 hours in ONE job yet have to commute to a SECOND part-time job which also has NO benefits because of Hawaii running health care!
Despite these advantages present in Hawaii, health insurance premium rates are escalat- ing at a very high rate. This increase is occurring in spite of the rationing of health care by SHPDA, the State Health Planning and Dev elopment Agency, through its certificate of need process. (3)
Rationing is prevalent in Hawaii. And despite this rationing of health care, the neighbor island and rural hospitals under state control run huge deficits because the state's Medicaid program is the most generous in the country. In the nation as a whole, the number of nursing beds per 1,000 population for people over the age of 65 is 56, while in Hawaii it is only 18. Last year the Medical T ribune reported that Hawaii had the highest rate of physician exo- dus and early retirement in the nation.(3)

A diabetic can buy his own strips, stick himself, and give tiny shots to himself after seeing a doctor ONCE. Or lose weight by eating less and dieting on a few raw carrots which burn calories AND avoid diabetes entirely.
Rep. Keith Ellison voted against its repeal to be branded a "heel".
Rep. Betty McCollum voted against its repeal to be branded a "heel".
A press release from the Obama White House listed 14 Democratic state legislators ws whose names will live in infamy for ranting, raving, and railing against repeal efforts, including Minnesota's own self-defamed Reps. Erin (Dispicable) Murphy of poor St. Paul and Tom (Low-Down) Huntley of Duluth.
Jim Clyburn voted against repeal and stooped to playing his race card, somebody thought up for him calling "The 21st Century Civil Rights Act". For him everything is a civil right. He was told that it was a way to wave a stick it to "YT".
Shiela Jackson Lee declared on Neil Cavuto that REPEAL was "killing Americans". Shiela Jackson Lee declared herself," like an immigrant I arrived in the country shackled"!!!!!!!!!! Mathematically brilliant she declared," ONE and ONE is........................TWO!"
About a bill, Rep. Shiela Jackson Lee marveled that it was,"closing the donut hole"!!!!!
This may be contagious as Tom Huntley said,"getting help with the costly donut hole." in his line of excuses for voting exponential debt on the US when we cannot even afford the interest with 9.6 unemployment.
"Obamacare, as we know, is the crown jewel of socialism. It is socialized medicine," stated Rep.Bachmann from the House floor immediately before the victorious vote. "The American people spoke soundly and clearly at the ballot box in November and they said to us, Mr. Speaker, in no uncertain terms, ‘Repeal this bill.'"

Then Bachmann said, "And to those across the United States who think this may be a symbolic act, we have a message for them: this is not symbolic. This is why we were sent here and we will not stop until we repeal a President and put a President in the White House who will repeal this bill, until we repeal the current Senate, put in a Senate that will listen to the American people and repeal this bill."