Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Who,What,When,Where,How Much?

"Who,What,When,Where,How Much?" is a good title because reporters are SUPPOSED to subscribe to these questions in their quest for TRUTH,
Justice and the American Way. Sadly, many "reporters" and "journalists" get a tingle up their leg and forget all about
WWWW &HM. Perhaps known as the "4 Ws and HMMM" so that our "somewhat slobbering love affair ridden
Lame and a PAIN Stream Media can overcome their apparent Altzheimer's of truth, justice and the American way
and SNAP out of it. Sure, you say, they WILL snap out of it along about the 12th...the 12th of Never! Most are so
eaten up and consumed with the Libealism Disease that they couldn't see the forest if a tree fell on them.

Guys like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and G.Gordon Liddy and Evan Sayett know very well, this condition.
They see and hear from people on a daily basis who suffer unbeynonst to themselves, from the malady. Two of them
even confess to getting over it personally. Michael (Mike WEiner) Savage, at this time the Number 3 Talk Show Host,
awaits justice after being maligned on a United Kingdom British undesirable-to-be-allowed-into-the-country
hater list "to balance out Muslim extremists." Why pick on him? Most of us feel that the British former lady was
"sicced" by some so-called-American liberals or otherwise told to "get" Savage. Limbaugh is an old hand at being singled out and considers it a high complement ior ignores the
"slings and arrows" of outrageous liberals. He has even been known to pull a chain or two. As for Liddy, he
argues for inclusion by being singularly singled out and called jailbird, felon, lawyer, and alleged plotter of "mayheim".
Evan Sayett gained fame and with it he was talked about like a stray rabid dog.
Evan Sayet, former US military paratrooper, comedy writer for Bill Moyer, and presently with Heritage Institute,
was uploaded to YouTube giving his very entertaining speech on his background, why he is a "912" person and
blasting Liberals by defining them and describing their unfathomable "logic" that defies sane logic until you
have an insight into what "makes them tick". Part of this is their cockeyed way of defining fairness as spreading
the misery around. Obama calls this "spreading the wealth." Conservatives refer to this nonsense as communism
and know that it has failed miserably with dire consequences every time it is foisted on a population in the name of
change, revolution, revolt of the working class or whatever bla-bla-bla name to be applied to the tyranny of elitism.
Conservatives know and recognize the advanced degenerative stages of Socialism as the scourage of communism.
Whatever type, whether Fabian Socialism, Trotsky-ism, or blatant Hillary C Marxism, or whatever they choose to
call it, it is BAD...BAD to the BONE. No smiling faces, no come-hither glances, no tingle up the leg can mask
it for very long.
Do keep your EYE on the smiling man behind the curtain for he has many ideas and promises to break in the name
of change and fairness. The strategy is known as manufacturing crisis after crisis until the population is reeling
in shock and dismay. No one can believe that this many things can be tried one after the other despite past
failures of the same techniques during Franklin Delano Roosevent. More recently, the Japanese tried stimulus
after stimulus to pull up their own flagging economy...nothing worked except to make even MORE debt and interest
to be paid by the younger generation which must stoically bear this cross of debt that we Americans have put
upon them by way of wild-eyed do-gooder politicians trying to "save us from depression" with a depressing load

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness smart rich parents don't have to risk their money on college for their kids. Nowadays they can just assign a GUARDIANSHIP to that black sheep uncle who earns $10 per hour and the kids are eligible for federal government assistance - getting Daddy Big Bucks off the hook for college of student with less than potent potential.
