Monday, February 22, 2010

The Chappaqua Thinker Vs Rank Socialist Agenda

The Chappaqua_thinker attempts to make sense of Democrat Socialist/progressive/populist who seek total domination of American freedom. Both political parties have alienated Constitution lovers and a majority of people who do not favor health care takeover masked as reform. Pelosi, Democrat Majority leader has admitted that a penalty for not subscribing to government insurance will include imprisonment, ridiculous!
Nor do they favor the global warming Al Gore fable/myth excuse for Cap and Tax to raise "carbon tax" on utility bills for working Americans and reimburse the poor and those who pay no taxes yet will be forced to pay more for gasoline, electricity, and energy in general, ridiculous!
Massive indebtedness to be shouldered by our children and those as of yet unborn, to pay for present day unwanted entitlements. People like Rep. Mike Rogers have noted in public record that they disfavor depriving 85% of working Americans of their health plans so that 15% of the uninsured can have coverage. In addition to the indebtedness, page 575-576 of HR3200 proscribe that illegal aliens who pay nothing for US health care will have a right to sue if their free care is not entirely to their liking, ridiculous!
Progressive ideas for taxation include the "Death Tax" which gouges 55% of assets for the government when you die . This was eliminated under George W. Bush. People pay taxes all their lives, manage to die with property and are assessed 55% MORE which forces farms, ranches, and businesses to be sold to pay these arbitrary confiscatory taxes, ridiculous!
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As far as I know, there is no American beverage that is "good mead". I recall seeing the movie,"The Vikings" starring Kirk Douglass and Tony Curtis. Later versions excluded the axe throwing scene where much MEAD was drank and axes were thrown to barber a young lady. Kirk Douglass was the Viking leader. He threw 2 axes and cut left and right pigtails, then threw sideways to cut the one that was straight up from the lady's head.
I don't want to throw axes BUT I would LOVE TO make some MEAD...have you a recipe or directions how to make MEAD!
Sounds like a GREAT DRINK!

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